Wednesday, July 3, 2013

the "Go" part

The Maker of all has been chasing me.


There are no accusations and there is no name calling.


He allows me to choose, knowing what it will take for me to know His love.

The wretched.
The unthinkable.
The hypocritical.

He is not scandalized by my sin.

Or yours.
Or his.
Or theirs.

Grace is wrapped in the breath of a new day.

More moments.
More opportunities.
More time.

Gently, He leads me to Him.

By still waters.
In green pastures.
Among the wolves that seek to devour.

Purposed, my experiences and story lead me to choosing the Holy.

So it's time.
To Go.
Like the woman, He wants me to leave the sin.

With all these holey desires not yet perfectly met.

To be seen.
And known.
And wanted.

He seeks to make whole.

A life that seeks to honor.
Radically obey.
To trust without reservation or hesitation.

This is that part in the story where He asks me to Go . . . and . . . Leave.

Even when I'm not fully ready.
Or fully certain.
Or fully capable.

Love will lead the way.

Share your heart . . . add a comment below.


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  1. Beautiful Amy. Your experience has been mine too. He is so very kind indeed.

  2. These are the words I needed to hear today. He is not scandalized by my sin. Thank you.

  3. Oh, how He loves. How patient but relentless He is in His pursuit of us, dear friend. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  4. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. Needed words. Did you know that you wrote them for me? Just what I needed to hear today, Amy.

  6. "Love will lead the way." Amen, friend. Amen.

  7. I absolutely love this...I love the idea of Him chasing us with no accusations and no name calling. There is such beauty in grace.
