This place here is an altar.
. . . where worship is lived out through the telling of stories.
. . . where grace is unwrapped and celebrated.
. . . where the journey is honored.
. . . where Real is invited.
. . . where we declare All. Is. Purposed.
I encourage you to let your story Be -- simply . . . as it is.
When we truth-tell of our Real stories of heartache and pain, the ones that have wrecked us and broken us, we enable big, God-sized things happen. Even though it might not be how we'd have written the script.
Might you join me in building this altar?
I would love to hear from you of what He's done and is doing in you.When we truth-tell of our Real stories of heartache and pain, the ones that have wrecked us and broken us, we enable big, God-sized things happen. Even though it might not be how we'd have written the script.
Might you join me in building this altar?
Let the tendrils fall loose . . . because, your story really, truly does matter.
Let your worship be . . . in your unabashed and bold declaration.
Let Him shine . . . through the beautiful art your worship reflects.
Email me your story {}