Friday, August 5, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Whole

It's that day again--Friday, the end of the week when I can breathe deeply and exhale the Freedom my days are teaching me to live. And so, I am here again soaking up the courage to just write my heart out without worry, perfection-seeking or fear.

Join me? Scribble in your own place of comfort--a book, a card, a pad. Find your place to freely write your heart. Give yourself just five minutes and you'll make a difference in your day.

Today's prompt, thanks to Lisa-Jo:



When I breathe deeply and soak up the moments--one at a time as they arrive--I am: In. Joy.

Nothing else matters. The sounds around me and the feelings my body experiences are magnified when I pay attention.

Writing calls out my heart and I discover bits of myself I never knew.

Choosing to let someone else live her own story gives me understanding and helps me to accept her...and him.

I am wholly me when I live my own story and I find whole healing when I breathe in Truth that All. Is. For. Purpose.

When I don't compare my own living with hers or hers, or hers, I am better able to accept my unique style and I See--I am beautiful, too.

He made me Whole, having given me everything I need. All I need to do is seek and I will truly find that which I need, moment by blessed moment.

There's peace there in that kind of living, in the knowing that I am exactly where I need to be and I am exactly who I need to be for Now.


Join the A {Grace} full *life* facebook community page.


  1. That is so lovely. Thank you for reminding me to not compare my insides to other peoples' outsides.

  2. Very good post! Happy 5 minute Friday!

  3. "He made me Whole, having given me everything I need. All I need to do is seek and I will truly find that which I need, moment by blessed moment."

    YES! Such truth here. I am blessed by this post, and it reminds me that I am as he made me, as he planned for me to be, whole and complete, covered by the blood of the one without blemish or stain. Thank you for these sweet truths. Honey to my soul...

  4. Yes, there is peace in accepting that He has made us perfect for HIM, whole in HIm.

  5. Beautiful post. Learning to accept ourselves and our abilities as Christ made us is key to living a whole life!
