Saturday, August 13, 2011


It isn't Friday, yet there is still freedom for today.

This Truth I rest upon today, as I rush into in His *Garden of Hope,* choosing full-blooms of Courage and Trust. I'm hardly perfect and neither are my words, yet I live and breathe, all. for. purpose.

I'm linking up with other Hand-crafted souls and sharing a piece of what's on my heart. Writing for just five minutes? Oh how I could write for so much longer, and I have. Here, though--in this space I reserve just five minutes* of my heart-sharing today.


My heart aches at the pain that remains.

I've forgiven with a heart toward giving freedom, and I've surrendered my need to know the details.

I've done all I can, and I'm realizing this truth.

Yet, having received *no response* from the sharing of my heart, and an odd response to a courageous phone call, I sit here with these feelings that remain.


Broken like shards of glass, I want to soften the edges of my rawness--still, forgive and choose compassion.

If I choose *understanding,* maybe I will hurt less.

But I don't.

I. Still. Hurt. 

And here's where I See *Beauty*--in the only thing there is left for me to do: live as I am. 

Beauty is living {in freedom}.

Even though I hurt, I will live as me.

These feelings remain and a heavy heart makes it hard to breathe-on...yet, I can still live as me.

Breathing in peace for this freedom, this is beauty at its fullest.


* [full disclosure: Today this post took me a just smidge over five minutes. But it was for such purpose and I'll live in the grace.]

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  1. I'm sorry you are hurting. I pray you will feel His love surround you today.

    Bless you!

  2. Trusting that even the hurting is for purpose.

  3. Praying God will heal your broken heart.
