Monday, November 1, 2010

a thankful heart :: asking and receiving

it was his birthday the next day. he was turning 6. she thinks of small, special things to help him feel special - mini cupcakes to share with his class, cinnamon buns for breakfast, special napkins and even a "happy birthday" sign to hang in the kitchen.

he knows she'll do special things for him - mommy's are like that. she can count on him too, for knowing and trusting in her.

so he asks her if he could have something special for breakfast. she answers "yes!" and asks if he would like to make a choice, or if he wants her to decide.

"you decide, mama."

he knows she'll pick well. he trusts her. he relies on her. he needs her to decide, actually. for him, it's just too overwhelming - the excitement of anticipation.

our Father in Heaven knows what we'll like best, too. He's good like that. we can trust Him. we can even ask Him to do special things for us. He's just waiting for us to ask. Grace is all wrapped up for us to receive.

and for that i'm incredibly thankful...

how about you - what are you thankful for?

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