Monday, April 27, 2015

You are noticed

I'm off from work this week and this morning I noticed life hustle and bustle all around me.

It's not even Noon yet and already it's been a remarkably beautiful unfolding to the day.
In the midst of fears and doubt, chaos and confusion, excitement and even delusion . . .
Today is already majestic.

I'm convinced that nothing about what I've seen already today is ordinary.
Glory has unfurled.

What I've seen gives me rich evidence of grace.

: : : 

Neighbor who put forth effort to smile and wish me a good morning . . .

Momma holding walking down your driveway, holding your daughter's hand . . .

Friendly lady who waved and smiled when you noticed that it was me crossing the street . . .

Woman rushing your son to school and being patient with me as I crossed the sidewalk . . .

Two chatting friends walking together . . .

High school teenage girl carrying your lacrosse stick and waiting for the bus . . . .

Crossing guard waiting for the children . . .

Lady in the window at Subway who smiled big at me . . .

Village worker holding the sign to drive carefully . . .

Neighbor rushing out to scold your dog from running at me and into the road . . .

Children waiting for the school bus . . .

Village and Town workers trimming trees and cleaning up . . .

Friendly men at the local Agway who told me to have a nice day . . .

Workers cleaning shelves in the grocery store . . .

Delivery truck drivers en route to stock the empty shelves . . .

Girl who rang me up at the grocery store and smiled as you saw my round belly . . .

Kind woman who bagged my groceries . . .

Mail carrier who stepped over my freshly laden mulch . . . 

Father instructing your son -- our son -- on how best to help . . .

: : : 

I noticed you today.

You were busily doing your thing.


Yet, still, I noticed you.

The work that you do.
The effort you put in.
The life you live.

You matter.

Even when you aren't noticed by me, Someone greater notices you.
He is pleased with your very life.
Not because of what you do, but because of who you are.

So, carry on, dear people. Carry on.

You are noticed and loved more than you'll ever know.

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