Friday, March 7, 2014


Father, we come.

as judgmental and accusatory, we stand as pious hypocrites.

we long for good and right to rule this place and yet we see Evil all around us.

blame finds our lips for the actions of others.

though we aren't too prideful to own our mistakes, we justify our choices.

it's hard to even consider that You love the murderer.

we finger-point and arm-cross to avoid any connection with him or her.

     . . . the one who knows better and yet who once again messes up.

how could they?, we sputter.

we stand in disgust because surely they know better.

to extend grace to them seems unnecessary.

to love them seems so impossible

we confess we aren't willing, Father.

yet, we are willing to be willing.

     . . . make us so.

in Jesus name, loose us to love.

bend us and break us to be more like You.


Linking with Lisa-Jo.


  1. 'Willing to be willing' oh how I love this! And sometimes that's all it takes.

    Thank you for your courage to say what needs said, despite how it may sting!

    I enjoyed reading this immensely!

    ~From your FMF neighbor

  2. Yes please! Your words are beautiful. Thank you for this.
