Friday, January 3, 2014


It's the start of a new year and folks are talking of dreams and things.

Friends are launching new projects and I'm feeling a little left out.

Last year wasn't a year of pursuing different and big for me. It was of publicly small and learning to be more quiet.

My heart roared loud and the Heavens shook in my last year, though, as my heart was jolted and incredibly provoked.

I was challenged to step into me more than I ever have been before . . .
     to denounce the fear of what you might think, or he or she.

It was a year of choosing what is more right for me and this story He's writing in me.

Last year was a year of willingness being churned up, for whatever may come and whatever may be, and for all of whatever once was.

Of sacrificing comfort and choosing to say "OK," even though it isn't how I'd write the script.

It was a year of leaning into Real more than ever, not shirking or hiding.

And so this new year, I stand with truthful disappointment and anxious anticipation and together we fight the urge to run away.

We trust in God's perfect timing and that now is for purpose, just as it is.

this is my worship.


  1. The fight to be still and listen to God even when we want to see results, do more, make a difference...oh those are my heart's struggle too...praying that God blesses you in your obedience to His perfect calling for your life!

  2. Choosing what is right for you and not running away is a hard thing and takes courage. Keep fighting and believe that you are where you were meant to be, doing what you were meant to do.

    1. Yes, I need to remember this. Thank you, Alecia.

  3. I need to be still and listen. You should be proud that you did:). That can be a huge battle, one that I have not fought for.

    1. Only by His leading, friend . . . and in His timing.

  4. That's beautiful. This is my year to do that and I am curious as to what it will bring. Love that you "fought" your way through it - even through the times you wanted to do things differently. Thanks for sharing. Here from FMF. Happy New Year!

    1. He is greater than us, eh? Rich blessings as He leads you, dear friend.

  5. This is so beautiful. The fight to be still and listen is the most beautiful fight. Thank you for provoking me today. Blessings!

    1. Ah, yes. Beauty lies here. Thank you, sweet friend. {hugs}
