Friday, November 8, 2013


So much about my life is all about me.

I'm prideful. And selfish. Controlling. And stubborn.

The things I criticize others for are the exact things I sometimes do, too.

Certain struggles continue to be wrapped around me like a vine.

Even though I know what is wrong, I still do.

I don't evaluate my capacity and measure it to reality.

Unspoken expectations make unrealistic demands of myself.

The truth is, I am human.

Planned for a place in today. And prepared to fulfill a role.

Most importantly, purposed to know love.

Broken, selfish, messy, chaotic, shifty . . .

A Hand-selected rock meant for this story. His story.



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  1. Amy, the truth of your words went straight to my heart. I also intimately experience the reality that "The things I criticize others for are the exact things I sometimes do, too. Certain struggles continue to be wrapped around me like a vine." Blessings to you. Stopping by from Five Minute Friday.

  2. You are one beautiful rock, and I'm no different than you. We are ALL prideful, selfish, stubborn - we are human. It's so nice to know that God doesn't look at us that way. He sees just beauty - and loves us unconditionally just as we are. Sweet words here, friend. I love you girl!

  3. purposed to know love...oh yes. And I am broken, messy and selfish right along with you.

  4. Oh I love this..."A Hand-selected rock meant for this story. His story." I'm so thankful He uses my brokenness to do some good in this world.
