Friday, May 31, 2013


If the noise of your own thoughts were quieted just long enough for your hand to go up . . .

And your voice to say, "How about me?"

. . . and, you didn't discount the percentage of your inexperience from your confidence . . .

Imagine what He could do through you. 

Sometimes the half-size too bigness of shoes can be a benefit. Especially when our feet swell.

Positions of leadership are kind of the same way.

Imagine if we considered how He fills the gap.

We all influence and it can be scary to ponder when we think of the enormity of our responsibilities.

Yet, living boldly as ourselves is how we honor. It's our worship.

Imagine the difference doing can can make. 

So, go.

Live You. The biggest, boldest, bravest imperfect and inexperienced you.

And if that means leading a team in an industry where you've never been, then do it anyway.

Because, He has given you a seat at the table. His table.

You have been positioned exactly where you are for such a time as this.

Imagine. And go.

. . . Live You. 

: : : 

Disclaimer: Five minutes became ten minutes today as the words percolated and finally dripped slow.

Today's post was part of my friend, Lisa-Jo's fun challenge each Friday to take five and Just. Write.

     "...for five, short, bold beautiful minutes... unscripted and unedited...
     without worrying if it's just right or not."

Share your heart . . . add a comment below.


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  1. Wow, Amy. That's powerful stuff. "Live you". I needed to hear that. I've been running around without purpose for a while. I've been calling it midlife crisis. Thanks. You've helped me find my point on the map. Awesome!

    1. Yet, you've always had purpose the whole time. That's the neat thing. Faith-living is scary business. Yet, it's incredibly freeing. Rich blessings as He leads you, Tam.

    2. You are one very wise lady. Thank you. I needed to hear all this today.

  2. YES - we all have a purpose - and we need to have a laser focus on our purpose the one given us by our heavenly Father! Thank you for this reminder.

    1. I firmly believe our "purpose" is situational, always evolving and dynamic -- moment-by-moment to how He wants to use us. He invites us to be open to the ways He grows us and changes us to do so much more than we ever imagined and not box ourselves up or in or out of something new.

  3. Oooh, I like this! Imagine God fills the gap. It is so easy to feel inadequate because of inexperience and therefore exclude ourselves before we allow ourselves to consider it any further. This is really inspiring, thank you.

    1. A very good friend told me once that God fills the gap -- our gaps. It's freeing to remember this. And it's truth.

  4. Another rock solid post lady...the enormity of our responsibility when pondering our influence. I think children and thise moments when i see a little piece of me that needs them. In my imperfections I seek Him and pray always that He shine more through me. They need me...the team He's given family. Lovely words/work Amy!

    1. yes, our influence is an enormous responsibility, indeed. He's been telling me lately to be responsible with my influence and how my raw honesty is how. I believe we influence most when we're authentic . . . when we let Him do the rest and when we let them see Him in us.

  5. Such a wonderful and inspiring post!

  6. "Imagine. And go... Live You."
    Such wonderful inspiration in 5 short minutes. Love it!

    1. As my disclaimer said . . . it percolated awhile and then dripped slowly . . . not quite 5 today.

  7. Beautiful words. Trying to imagine it today.

    1. It starts there, eh? And your "trying" . . . that's worship -- the willingness. The courage to even try. Rich blessings, friend.
