Friday, July 29, 2011


It's Freedom-Friday and just five minutes of unedited writing helps me focus on this kind of living.

Lisa-Jo is over at one of my favorite places today, and so I am linking up and inviting you to find freedom for your living as you take a little time to read some beautiful hearts sprawled out on the screen.

Today's prompt...



The air is still as I awaken and scamper down the stairs. It's my time in the early dawn and I cherish these moments. The mind is only just beginning to become alert and my heart seems to have a head start. I jot down my thoughts and then take moments to give thanks for the Grace I've unwrapped in my living.

Stillness gives me perspective the busyness clouds.

I can feel the stillness of laughter in the house. It's with me and it sits alongside me, yet it's sitting still and patient-like until the Boy-Man awakens and breathes his joy into this home.

My heart anticipates what the day might bring and I sip sweetness from these still moments. My Father meets me anywhere I go and in the stillness, especially, is when I hear Him the clearest. Directions for the day and focus for my living tumbles into my mind and gives me courage.

I am reminded of the stillness of the lake in the dawn of the day and how grateful I am to notice the difference.

Stillness gives me freedom to breathe for Him, alone.


May you free yourself and take a moment to be *still* today and notice the difference. 

Join the facebook community page for A {Grace} full *life*.


  1. "My Father meets me anywhere I go and in the stillness, especially, is when I hear Him the clearest. "

    Yes! I know this and yet I struggle with that still. Thank you for reminding me, that being still at his feet is never a waste of time, and that it is in those moments that he will speak, if only I would be still to listen.... bless you, sweet friend. I love that we keep *bumping* into each other side by side, on the Five Minute Friday posts ;) Providence. Divine appointments....

  2. "i can feel the stillness of laughter in the house." i love this! i have four of my own, whose laughter sits still in the morning hours before they all get up and bring it bursting forth into life. while i cherish the laughter, i cherish it's stillness, as well. this offered me great perspective. thanks so much for sharing your beautiful write.

  3. I love those quiet, fresh moments alone in the stillness before anyone else is stirring. "I sip sweetness from these still moments" is a great way to express it. Enjoyed my visit in stillness!

  4. In the stillness, I can breathe for Him alone. I love this. Sometimes I feel like I am hyperventilaing with all of the cares and busyness of the day. But when I am still, awe He is so close and I just breathe Him in.

    I linked up here for the first time today! I hope you will stop by and pay me a visit!

  5. I love that: Stillness gives us the freedom to breath for Him!

  6. It's true, the early morning is the quiet and still, but I'm not so good at enjoying it, let alone even getting up to meet it! ;)
    Sorry I'm so late to visit you!
