Monday, January 17, 2011

living gratititude

Each day I have an invitation to notice. To pay attention and unwrap all of the gifts that are made-just-for-me-moments. To count the ways my Father loves me. And oh, how He loves me! After all, He calls me beloved.

And so, I'm publicly sharing what I've been capturing all along, and starting over with Number One - a new List of Gratitude. After all, it is my worship to be a living gratitude.

I overlook what is before my eyes and although I cannot perfectly notice, I can make a more concerted effort at being aware of all that is around me. His Grace is evident in so much of my life and by noticing I am able to share, and by sharing maybe others are able to feel His Love enveloping them.

It is the season for all things new and many people make resolutions. Interested in taking a risk with me? In noticing and recognizing all the gifts in your moments, all of the specifically made moments for you, you just might discover something new and this just might take you to a place you've never imagined.

And so, lets join some friends and make a list of a Thousand Gifts. This will change your life.

#1... Divine connections with women who share the same risk-taking courage as me to find our Art.

#2... Early morning runs...the crisp, clear sky, the steam from my own breath, and the crunching of my feet.

#3... Promptings to be me.

#4... Excitement to tell my story.

#5... Sunshine and clear blue sky on a cold winter day.

#6... New friends so close by.

#7... A career in which I build relationships. What can be better?

#8... Song in my head that answers my heart.

#9... A little boy who looks beyond skin color, even in spite of a school history lesson that teaches the difference.
#10... The pure, unconditional love of my six-year-old son...for me. 

holy experience

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