Sunday, June 5, 2011

what if I'm wrong?

Sometimes God speaks to our hearts and gives us visions of what He has in store for us beyond the *now*.

We are required to wait.  And the waiting can be hard.

But *the now* in our lives matters.  It's important for *the later on* part in our story.  He designs our story with hope and there is purpose in it all.

It is our worship to be in *the now*.

Living in the moment, believing that we heard Him right and that there is beauty around the corner of *the now*, can be challenging.  And there is purpose in that, too.  He wants us to trust Him.  Always trust Him.

When He gives us visions for tomorrow He's teaching us about the patience He's already given us.  He teaches us about self-control.  He teaches us about His joy for now.  He teaches us about His goodness.

He teaches us how to trust Him more - for today's purposes and tomorrow's beauty.  And we grow closer to Him through the living.

Sometimes in the dance between the now and the later on - today and tomorrow - we can tend to question - what if I'm wrong?

What if I didn't hear Him right?  What if I'm mistaken?  What if my desires are outweighing His plan for me and all I'm hearing is my own wants?  What if I'm wrong?

This is where faith comes in.  The evidence of things unseen.  We must lean into Him - lean into our faith in Him.  Because we don't need to know.  We just need to live.

Lord, help me to be fully in today as I trust you for tomorrow.  You have purpose for all of this.


  1. I like this: "It is our worship to be in the now." Beautiful and true. I've only learned it recently, thinking before that it was so important to figure out the "right" way to do everything. Now, God begins to show me that His providence is like a vast, spreading safety net fully strong enough to allow me to live in the NOW.

  2. Beautiful post. I want to learn to lean into Him in those times when I am unsure. I want my faith to be so strong at times that I don't question Him.
