Though I believed in God, I didn't know Him. So I questioned *how* to live the life the way I was should.
I wanted to do everything right.
I didn't want to make the same mistakes I saw my own parents make.
And so I tried to live the perfect life--searching for the manuel on life.
Ever so slowly, and ever so gently, He showed me His heart in and through my living.
This was a Thin Place for me--a place where I could see His grace.
Now I see...I needed to live.
My own living was required.
Even my failures were for purpose. Necessary parts of my story.
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This is a revisit from the archives.
In April 2011, I was a guest writer at Mary DeMuth's place.
I invite you to grab a cup of tea and link over there to read more.
I understand that need "to do everything right" because you don't want to every live in that "wrong-ness" again. Yet, despite all my efforts, I couldn't do it. Only God could deliver me from it.