Friday, February 25, 2011

a space in the week for *us*

Grace gives us two days without distraction.  Two days set apart from the other five to *rest* and *rejuvenate* (and maybe even *play*).  We won't be filled up to the brim and not need each other again, or anything else, but we'll be filled nonetheless - for a time.  

Our labor at rest.  Our hearts open wide.  Our time (more) exclusive to each other.  

The family in our lives is what we treasure most.  Such. Grace.

The *connection* we have from the companionship of each other.  Such. Love.

I am lost without this man who God provided to me.  A man who God promised that He'd use to show me His own love for me.  

We were young when we wed and I had no clue what it all meant.  I was terrified.  And yet my Fairy Tale ending was coming true.  The Prince I first eyed when I was in the seventh grade - the boy who I just knew would make a fantastic husband and father - really would be my Groom.

This man-boy who loved me even though...

I wrap my arms around these two days and the Grace that is bestowed upon us.  I give *thanks* for this space in the days.  

The week-end.

I'll probably clean, and cook, and maybe read.  Fall asleep on the couch, and probably write a little.  I'll play with the son who our love made, and even discipline a little.  

Even though he's not always at my hip as I whirl and twirl throughout our castle of Grace, my Groom is there and that makes all the difference.  

I am stronger.  I am more secure.  I am not alone.  

Life isn't easy and it isn't always fun.  Together, though, it's a whole lot more enjoyable.  And the two days make those five days, when we're arm wrestling the *other stuff* for each other, {seem to} *dissolve away*.

As your week-end arrives and you shout with Jubilee at the difference two days can make, I *hope* your two days are ones where you have the Grace to share the slowness with the love of another.  

And might this song from Andrew Peterson speak to your heart in some way.  

Living requires *risk* and the courage to believe that All (really) is Grace.

So, don't give up.  

And, *dance* the Minefields, of Grace.

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