Wednesday, November 3, 2010

a thankful heart :: not finished

As I give thanks and call out specific blessings that have come my way, perhaps the biggest blessing is that which I don't even talk about much. And yet, it truly is one of my most prized gifts to unwrap each day and one I am most thankful for receiving. It's the blessing of knowing -truly knowing - I am not finished.

Being a college graduate, a wife, a mother, and in my 30s, doesn't make me finished. I still have opportunities to learn and grow - and to grow without even fully learning, which is one of the most amazing aspects of Grace.

I am not expected to have it all together.

In fact, not much is expected of me, and perhaps nothing at all is expected of me and I am going out on a limb by saying that. For, if God expects of us, then doesn't that mean if we fail to meet His expectations that He'll love us less? Because He won't.

My gratitude for not being finished relates to not having to know it all, or to do what I do know in a perfect way, every single time. NO. WAY!

And so, it's really Grace that I am thankful for today. Grace to live as fully me, knowing I am not finished.

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