Friday, August 3, 2012


The sun rises later now and I notice it.

Just a few weeks ago, the birds were singing before my eyes enveloped the new day. Now it's quiet again.

I think of winter and how darkness will be my morning company for several months.

For the past few couple of years, I've found myself slowing come August. Still a month left of summer vacation for our school-aged boy, and yet my body is preparing for the change soon to round the corner.

We'll be flush faced and hot with schedules full to the brim. December will knock on our door and we won't hardly be ready.

I nearly panic at the thought of how quickly time seems to whirl.

He stops my thoughts from unraveling and suddenly I pause. Because, it is still August, after all.

In the Here and now, there is laughter. And blooming. And beauty.

And slowing makes me notice.

Today's post is part of my friend, Lisa-Jo's fun challenge each Friday to 

     "Write for five, short, bold beautiful minutes... 
     Unscripted and unedited...
     Without worrying if it's just right or not."

Follow A {Grace} full *life* on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest.


  1. I so understand the power of the pause--the slowing moment to see beauty of today. I feel the crazy fast pace life seems to zoom. It makes the pause all-the-more important. I am glad it's only August.

  2. I'm following your lead and not trying to rush ahead. Oh, how I need the slowing too! (And would love to have you join the True Vine Challenge. Won't you?)

    1. Cheryl, I missed this while I was sick. Send me info again...won't you, please?

  3. I'm visiting some of my favorite people today! Trying to catch up on what those dark days of illness have eclipsed. I am loving thinking of slowing in August. Could sure use some time to still and listen. Lovely, Amy.

    1. Hi, friend! So glad you're on the other side of the craziness. The way He sustains us is so amazing, isn't it?!

  4. Oh, the beauty of the present. I intentionally try to live there.
    Thank you for your beautiful words on the screen in front of me.

  5. Yes, it is all at once already and only August. Seems to be so easy to jump ahead, yet it is easier to breathe if I stay here in today. I'm so thankful He stops us (if we listen) when we start to forget...

  6. Time seems to move so fast. I long to slow it down, to take it all in. It's so important to capture the moments we are given each day. Have a beautiful weekend!

  7. It goes way too fast. Fall is my favorite time of year. For us, summer is over with the advent of's our work time, but then, there is rest :-)
