Friday, June 17, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Home

Happy Friday!, as I tell my family each morning of the week just like this one.  And truly it is.  It's the day when I have the most cheer for where I'll likely be spending the next 48 hours of my life.  And it's the day when I wake up without a post previously scheduled and just write - for five minutes flat.

Friday's remind me that living isn't about perfection and alltogetherness.  It's a day to kick back and just celebrate the living as it is.

And so, I join Lisa-Jo and others in the blessed five minutes of writing without a script or a long run to get my thoughts going.  This day is about not worrying if it's right or good enough.  Because it is.  

The prompt for today is just what days like this one - Friday's - give me the most cheer for:



I walk in the door and the weight of my day is splashed across my face.  Try as I might on my drive home and then again in the few seconds when I sit in my parked car before venturing in my abode and out of the garage, I can't hide it.

Home finds me.

All of me - every speck of how I am feeling and who I am at that moment becomes abundantly clear.  And I can't hide.  Most especially, I'm not asked to.

You look tired.  Long day?

Why do I let myself feel shame and guilt over my Groom's honest observation?  He doesn't berate me.  He's just noticing.  And more than that, his {Grace} is loving on me and accepting me.

Home is where I can toss down my day on the side of the porch, take off my shoes and dance around the place like truly no one is watching.

It's where my story is lived out in all its freedom and pure unadulterated joy.  Laughter abounds and cheer is shared.  It's where our days collide and our hearts lay open for love.

Home is my favorite place in the whole wide world to be.  Where ever our home happens to be.




  1. Such relief there is in not having to hide in our own homes, the freedom to be how we are, and to be loved by our families even on the hard days ;-) Wonderful! Blessings!!

  2. I love this line: " It's where our days collide and our hearts lay open for love."

    Beautiful! And Happy Friday!

  3. Awe, beautiful. Yes, home is the place where we can just be...and be accepted. I like how you stress, where ever home may be.
